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Free Download AIMP 3.55.1345 Music Player

Aimp dengan custom skin.

Aimp merupakan Music player yang powerful, meskipun tak terkenal seperti Winamp, namun kemampuan music player yang satu ini tak bisa diragukan, Admin selalu menggunakan Aimp untuk keperluan memutar file-file music seperti .MP3 .WAV .FLAC dan lain-lain. Pada AIMP 3.55.1345 ini sudah banyak penyempurnaan-penyempurnaan dari versi sebelumnya, penyempurnaan tersebut antara lain adalah:

- Equalizer Presets Dialog: Alphabetical sorting of presets is default now
- Equalizer Presets Dialog: Incremental search has been added
- Player: Compatibility with the service has been improved
- Skin Engine: Added an ability to resize animator control
- Fixed: Sound Engine - ASIO - few bugs with playback resuming on some devices
- Fixed: Sound Engine - the program sometimes hangs during playback
- Fixed: Sound Engine - scratches can be heard on some tracks if the normalization by amplitude effect is active
- Fixed: Sound Effects - mixing options apply incorrectly
- Fixed: Plugins - Alarm Clock - another playlist starts playing, if selected playlist has been never activated after restart of the program
- Fixed: Player - The QFI window doesn't appear at the first time in some cases
- Fixed: Player - default folder for internet radio capture is stored to configuration file
- Fixed: Playlist - focus and playback cursor are reseted after synchronization with the preimage.
- Fixed: Skin Engine - the value of the PeakSegmentation property isn't taken into account
- Fixed: Skin Engine - behavior of child window is broken after closing the window via Alt+F4
- Fixed: Skin Engine - bugs with initialization of default values for controls on program startup

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